What does Web Accessibility mean?

What does Web Accessibility mean?

Web accessibility refers to the ability of any person to access and use the Web and its content, regardless of whether they have a disability (whether physical, intellectual or technical) or the conditions in which they interact, such as technology or environment. This characteristic is closely linked to usability. A website is considered accessible if people with disabilities can navigate it as efficiently, safely and securely as those without disabilities. The goal is to create an environment where tools are provided to facilitate access for all.

It is an initiative driven by the W3C, whose purpose is to promote accessibility for people with disabilities, establish accessibility guidelines and refine tools for evaluating and correcting accessibility. The platform is dedicated to informing and raising awareness about the relevance of accessibility on the web, site design and exploring new accessibility opportunities through research in this area, recognizing the possibilities presented in each of these aspects.

How to improve the accessibility of your website?

Currently, websites can incorporate a plugin to improve online accessibility. One of the most popular is One Click Accessibility. This plugin makes it easier for people with disabilities or limitations to navigate your site by allowing them to adjust the size of the elements (either reducing or enlarging), modify the colors and facilitate access to the content. It is essential to make an effort during the design process of your website, to include everyone without leaving anyone behind and it is also beneficial for the business, since this audience exists and it is necessary to attract it. Therefore, it is key to consider this option.

The One Click Accessibility plugin that lets us adjust?

The plugin is very easy to set up, costs nothing and has numerous favorable reviews. As reported by WordPress, it allows you to include a toolbar with:

  • Font resize (increase/decrease).
  • Grayscale
  • Negative contrast
  • High contrast
  • Light background
  • Underline links
  • Readable font
  • Link to “Site map / Comments / Help pages”.


Accessibility features:

  • Enable “Skip to content”
  • Add outline focus for focusable elements
  • Remove target attribute from links
  • Add markup profiles to all links
  • Customizer for style settings


Here is the link to the plugin if you want to download it. You can also use our Virtual Marketing Assistant service to install and configure it for you.



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